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Combatting Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing & Proliferation Financing

Financial Intelligence Unit

Established under Section 9 of the Financial Intelligence and Anti Money Laundering Act in August 2002, the FIU is the central Mauritian agency for the request, receipt, analysis and dissemination of financial information regarding suspected proceeds of crime and alleged money laundering offences as well as the financing of any activities or transactions related to terrorism to relevant authorities.

The FIU is also the Enforcement Authority under the Asset Recovery Act and the AML/CFT regulator for Attorneys, Barristers, Notaries, Law firms, Foreign Law firms, Joint Law Ventures, Foreign Lawyers under the Law Practitioners Act, Dealers in Jewellery, Precious Stones or Precious Metals and Real Estate Agents, including Land Promoters and Property Developers.

Latest Updates

FATF Report: Horizontal Review of Gatekeepers’ Technical Compliance Related Corruption

In July 2024, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) developed a report on ‘Horizontal Review of Gatekeepers’ Technical Compliance Related to Corruption’ following the FATF’s Report on the State of Effectiveness and Compliance with the FATF Standards1, published in April 2022, which reported that gatekeepers like lawyers, accountants, trust and company service providers, and real estate agents in overall have a poorer understanding of their risks than financial institutions and regularly fail to mitigate them, making them vulnerable to exploitation

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Public Summary Report on Extreme Right-Wing Terrorism Financing Phase II by Egmont Group

The second Egmont Group report on the rise of extreme right wing (XRW) terrorist groups and associated terrorism financing addresses a number of limitations and challenges that the first report in 2022 identified. The report explores measures to enhance understanding and detection of XRWTF, as well as the scope to move beyond bilateral exchange to engage multilaterally where possible on XRW threats. Both elements are examined mainly through an operational lens

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FIU’s role in the Fight Against The Abuse of NPOs for Terrorist Financing Activities by the Egmont Group

In April 2024, the Egmont Group Information Exchange Working Group (EG IEWG) developed a report to support continuous efforts in the fight against the abuse of NPOs for TF activities. This report supplements the FATF’s work by providing a refined understanding of how NPOs are exploited for TF purpose and helps to develop new knowledge on typologies and financial treats through the understanding of the NPO sector, the identification measures, updates and expansion on existing information

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UN Security Council Sanctions List

Latest Updates of the Consolidated United Nations Security Council Sanctions List


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The Financial Intelligence and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2002

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