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goAML International User Group Meeting
The goAML International User Group Meeting was held in Vienna from Monday 23 October to Wednesday 25 October 2023

Study Visit on Financial Analysis and Asset Recovery
The Financial Intelligence Unit of Mauritius hosted a study visit from the Central Asset Recovery Office of Mozambique. The purpose of this visit was to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and best practices in the field of asset recovery and confiscation systems, as well as report writing and investigation processes. The study tour proved to be highly productive, fostering a fruitful collaboration between the two organizations.

Asset Recovery Inter Agency Network of Southern Africa (ARINSA) 2023: Strengthening Collaborative Approach with 17 Countries Hosted by Financial Intelligence Unit Mauritius
The Asset Recovery Inter Agency Network of Southern Africa (ARINSA) was hosted by the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) from 9th to 13th of October 2023. The conference has been instrumental in shedding light on the crucial topic of asset recovery investigation and the role of financial intelligence units in combating financial crimes.

Financial Intelligence Analysis Course
FIU officers attended a working session on ’Financial Intelligence Analysis’ in Johannesburg, South Africa from 20-24 February 2023.

Financial Intelligence Unit Training Session on Asset Recovery and Confiscation in Zambia
A regional training course on asset recovery and confiscation was attended by members of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) and the Asset Recovery Investigation Division (ARID). The training session took place from 29 May to 5 June 2023, in Lusaka, Zambia.

FATF-INTERPOL Partnership: Igniting Global Change to Take the Profit Out of Crime
Lyon, 20 September 2023 – The second global roundtable in FATF-INTERPOL’s joint initiative to improve global asset recovery and combat financial crime concluded today.
Over 200 law enforcement, prosecutors, asset recovery, policy and regulatory experts, from both the public and private sectors, attended the two-day FATF-INTERPOL Roundtable Engagement (FIRE 2) to discuss asset recovery issues and practical solutions to deprive criminals of their illicit assets and contribute to a safer society.

46th ESAAMLG Task Force of Senior Officials Meeting
The FIU Mauritius attended the Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group’s (ESAAMLG) 46th Task Force of Senior Officials, as well as, the ESAAMLG’s 6th Public/Private Sector Dialogue in Kasane, Botswana from 01 – 07 September 2023. Cooperating and Supporting Nations and Organisations such as the UNODC, IMF, EU Global Facility, FATF and COMESA also attended the meeting.

Regional Training on Financial Investigations and Asset Recovery – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
FIU Mauritius was invited by COMESA for a regional training on Financial Investigations and Asset Recovery (FIAR) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 24 July 2023 to 29 July 2023.

The FIU`s role in the Asset Recovery Process by Egmont Group
In 2022, the Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units published an updated version of the “Asset Recovery – The Role of FIUs: Public Summary’’. This summary illustrates key lessons, best practices, and representative case examples to help enhance the role of FIUs within the asset recovery process both at the national and international levels.